School system | Grade | Time | Location |
North Linn (NL) | K-5 | W 6:00-7:00 pm | Sacred Heart, WALKER |
North Linn (NL) | 6-12 | W 7:15-8:30 pm | Sacred Heart, WALKER |
Center Point & Urbana (CPU) | K-5 | W 6:00-7:00pm | St. Mary, URBANA |
Center Point & Urbana (CPU) | 6-12 | W 7:15-8:30 pm | St. Mary, URBANA |
Vinton-Shellsburg (VS) | K-5 | W 3:45-4:45 pm | St. Mary, VINTON |
Vinton-Shellsburg (VS) | 6-12 | W 6:45-8:00 pm | St. Mary, VINTON |
We recognize that some high school students have difficulty attending the Wednesday evening class times due to conflicting commitments. We want to work with students and their families to continue their faith formation. Please send your contact information to [email protected] and someone will connect with you to discuss other possible options for faith formation.
Note that if you wish to pay your tuition and fees online, there is a link for that in the registration process. However, you do not have to pay at the same time that you register. See below for more information about tuition and fees and payment options.
To register, returning families will log in with their username/password. First-time users will create a new account. Be sure to save your username and password to access your account information in the future.
After you log in, the program will lead you through the registration process. NOTE: On page 3, for each child, you MUST select whether you want the child to attend their assigned class location or you want to homeschool. You will not be able to submit your registration without making a selection.
Register now
To calculate your tuition and fees for 2024-2025, first determine the tuition you will owe from the tuition table below. Then, determine if you will owe any additional fees using the fees table.
For registered members in one of the three parishes in our cluster* If you have: | If you register by June 30, you will owe: | If you register after June 30, you will owe: |
One child | $75.00 | $85.00 |
Two children | $120.00 | $140.00 |
Three or more children in the same family | $140.00 | $170.00 |
*IF you are NOT a registered member in one of the three parishes in our cluster,
classroom tuition is $80.00 per child if you register by June 30
and $90.00 per child if you register after June 30.
ADDITIONAL FEES (do not vary by registration date) | |
If your child: | You will owe: |
Is in 2nd grade | $30 fee for 2nd grade sacraments for that child |
Is in 10th or 11th grade in | $50 Confirmation fee for that child** |
**Confirmation is held alternating years in VINTON and WALKER/URBANA.
The Confirmation fee for non-parishioners is $70.
Once you have determined your total tuition and fees for 2024-2025, you may choose from the options below to make your payment.
Pay by check
Make out a check to: Heart of Mary Cluster
Please write the child(ren)’s name(s) on the check memo line.
Put the check in an envelope marked “FF Tuition” and put it in the weekend collection basket OR mail payment to:
Director of Faith Formation
St. Mary Church, 2200 2nd Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349
Pay online with a deduction from your checking account OR with your credit card
In the registration process, there is a link to myEoffering. You also may access myEoffering at any time by following the directions below. Be sure you know the total amount you owe.
Steps if you don’t already have an account with myEoffering:
Go to
Click the Register button and follow instructions.
Once you have successfully registered by confirming your e-mail address, click on Churches from the menu bar at the top of the screen and search for your parish.
Select your church by clicking on the name as shown above. If you wish, you may type in your Envelope number. This is the number that is printed on the budget envelopes you receive in the mail. Then click on the Join+ button in the lower right-hand corner.
Click on Wallets on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Wallets are the funding sources (checking account or credit card) for your offerings. Click on the Add a Wallet+ button. Name your wallet (i.e., "Sally's checking") and enter your account information. Then click on Add Wallet+.
Click on Offerings on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click on the Add New Offering+ button. Choose a one-time donation and then click on the date you want to make your offering. Click Next>. Select the fund for Faith Formation payments: RE Fees all parishes-HOM. Enter the amount of your payment. (You may also wish to cover the transaction fee at this point, which is 2.75% if using a debit/credit card or 30 cents per transaction if using your checking account.) Click Next>.
Confirm the transaction details are accurate and then click Submit.
Steps if you already have an account with myEoffering:
Go to
Sign in and follow instructions above for setting up an offering and a one-time donation. Select RE Fees all parishes-HOM. Be sure the appropriate church is selected as described above.
If you have any questions about paying online, please call Jeannie Springer, Cluster Business Manager, at 319-472-3368. She will be happy to help you.
Need help or have questions about tuition assistance or the registration process? Please contact:
Mary Pat Muhlena, DFF (Director of Faith Formation) Phone: 319-472-3368
Email: [email protected]