In a communal reconciliation service, we begin the sacrament as a community. Often there is a song, an opening prayer and a reading from Scripture. Following the Scripture reading, a priest will give a brief homily and then he or another minister will lead us in an examination of conscience, usually a series of statements or questions to help us more fully reflect upon what we wish to bring to the Lord in the sacrament at this time. The community then prays an Act of Contrition together. Several priests will be present at the service. Following the Act of Contrition, individuals go to one of the priests who will be stationed throughout the church to confess their sins privately. The priest who hears one’s confession will suggest a penance and pray the prayer of absolution over them. Individuals may then return to their pews to pray, offering thanks to God for His mercy and forgiveness. In many cases, there will be a closing prayer and song after everyone present has had an opportunity to confess their sins to a priest.