Join us for a Cluster and Community-wide Mardi Gras Mystery Masquerade Dinner!
The role of the Parish Life Committee is threefold:
1. To offer welcome to new parishioners and to foster a sense of belonging for all parishioners
2. To provide activities which build and strengthen community within the parish
3. To assist the pastor/parish life coordinator in the pastoral care of the community.
Examples of activities that fall under Parish Life include:
picnics/parish festivals, potlucks, coffee & donuts, outreach to the elderly/homebound, marriage enrichment activities and family-centered church activities and events.
Parish Life activities can be as diverse and creative as a committee can imagine!
In our cluster, many activities and events that would be classified as “Parish Life” events have been led by staff, individual parishioners or small groups on an ad hoc basis.
It would be wonderful if each of our parishes would have a committee dedicated to overseeing parish life activities on a local level, and perhaps even collaborate with the other parishes in our cluster. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in getting involved with, please contact Marcia Reilly ([email protected]).